Главная » Видеорегистраторы Invision » Модель Invision 200i
— запись видео 1280x960 при 30 к/c
— ЖК-экран 2.40"
— аккумулятор
— угол обзора 120°
— микрофон
— артикул 1260960

Invision 200i запись ночьюInvision 200i дневная съемкаTeam Invision performing with Andrei Burton at the Bedford River Festival 2008. thanks to Andrei for the use of his equipment.
enjoyLG Invision CB630 video mobiletv demo CES 2009 consumer electronics show las vegas flo technology streaming video cell phone. I demoed a live device by watching some tv chanels and then a quick description by the LG representativeLG's Invision Mobile TV Cellphone. For more videos visit

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This video will be removed from YouTube in the near future. Would you like to host a copy on your channel? Soon, Rocketboom will be starting anew and all archives from 2004 through 2013 will be deleted. If this is an episode you would like to see remain free and openly available to the public, we'll consider sending you a free copy to host on your YouTube channel with a simple agreement. Please contact us at [email protected] for more information.
Всего просмотров: 6516
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Оценка Invision 200i на iVideoReg.ru: 5 из 5 на основе 41 оценок.

Инструкция по эксплуатации Invision 200i
Поддерживаемые карты памяти Invision 200i
Прошивки Invision 200i
Программное обеспечение, драйвера Invision 200i
Схемы подключения Invision 200i

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